International Women's Day - we're celebrating with a giveaway

International Women's Day - we're celebrating with a giveaway

We're celebrating International Women's Day by thinking about some of the women who inspire us.  Join us on Instagram or Facebook to share some of the women who inspire you and why - and we will send our favourites a sterling silver bangle stamped with the phrase 'nevertheless she persisted'.

And here are the women who inspire some of our team members:


Louisa May Alcott, Author inspires Jeannie
"She was a woman who lived her life by her own terms in order to pursue her art and follow her dream to become a writer.  She wrote iconic American literature with leading women as protagonist characters, choosing not to lead a conventional life, but to pursue their own ambitions"
Becky's mum inspires her
"My mum inspires me. Because she has always been there for me and encouraged me. But also because she has done something new with her own life. She has left her job and started her MSC in Plant Identification at Kew in London and she has just gone off to Madagascar to help with plant identification there. She inspires me by having new experiences and challenges and going outside her comfort zone. Showing me it's never too late."
Emmeline Pankhurst, Political Activist inspires Jane
"There are so many inspirational women, but for me she has to be at the top.  Without her and the entire suffragette movement, all the other inspirational women wouldn’t have been able to achieve the things they have if not for the work she and the suffragettes had done."
Malala Yousafzai, activist inspires Kaz
"Malala survived assassination by the Taliban and continues to fight for the right for girls to have an education in Pakistan.  She was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 2014 at age 17."
Laurel Thatcher Ulrich, Historian inspires Hannah with her famous quote 'Well-behaved women seldom make history', which describes how conventionally behaved women are rarely remembered as much as rebellious women.  Ulrich has researched and written about many quieter, forgotten women, as well as unconventional women, arguing that all deserved to be remembered - and not divided into 'good' and 'bad' women.
Rhiannon's Nana inspires her
"This is my Little Nana, who we said goodbye to over Christmas, aged 94.  Forty years ago, I arrived in not the most conventional of circumstances.  Nana embraced me into her family and left a legacy of unconditional love.  And freckles.  And Welsh cakes.  I'm so grateful that she was part of my life - and I hope one day to be a Nana like her."
Stacey Dooley, Television Journalist, inspires Ellie
"For her freshness, bravery, integrity and empathy - and the way she gives a voice to so many vulnerable people."
Caroline Lucas, Leader of the Green Party inspires Beth
"For her tenacity and offering an alternative voice in parliament"
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